Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Good grief and an "oy vey"

Geez, you can stay busy 24/7 developing a web presence at the myriad sites nowadays. It's all uber cool for those of us who enjoy reading, writing, and researching. But, there is the real world beckoning as well, so I have to take one baby step at a time. :)

I've got the myspace thing going (but REALLY need to update it) http://www.myspace.com/onevoicerising , now there is Squidoo http://www.squidoo.com/onevoicerising (can't wait to dive in!) . Gotta do ning and facebook for a big upcoming project - can't wait to share this!

So much to say and do, so little time. :)

A shout out to new friend, David Korus, at Live Internet Talk Radio http://www.liveinternettalkradio.com/.

Also check out Wishable Creations' CafePress store http://www.cafepress.com/wishables, and keep an eye out for SmartAss Universe and Downscale Americans!

Again, so much to say, so little time.


Have a great day!

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